Yohimbine Health Dictionary

Yohimbine: From 1 Different Sources

This substance is derived from the bark of Pausinystalia yohimbie, a West African tree. Once widely used as an aphrodisiac – an action for which there is no good evidence, it is now being used in the treatment of certain cases of postural HYPOTENSION and for the treatment of IMPOTENCE.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Rauvolfia Serpentina

Benth. ex Kurz.

Family: Apocynaceae.

Habitat: The sub-Himalayas tract from Punjab to Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Assam, Western Ghats and the Andamans.

English: Rauvolfia root, Serpentina Root, Indian Snakeroot.

Ayurvedic: Sarpagandhaa of Ayurvedic texts was not the Sarpagandhaa of modern medicine. (Sarpagandhaa was equated with Naakuli, Sarpach- hatrikaa and Varshaasu Chha- trikaaraa. Sarpagandhaa and Sarpasugandhaa were synonyms of Naakuli.)

Folk: Chhotaa Chaand.

Action: Root—decoction is employed to increase uterine contractions and for expulsion of foetus in difficult cases. The total alkaloidal extract of the root induces bradycardia, hypotension, sedation. It finds application in hypochondria, neuropsychi- atric disorders, psychosis and schizophrenia.

Key application: In mild, essential hypertension (borderline hypertension, especially with elevated tension of the sympathetic nervous system, for example, sinus tachycardia, anxiety, tension and psychomotor irritation, when dietetic measures alone are not sufficient. (German Commission E.)

(Average daily dose: 600 mg drug corresponding to 6 mg total alkaloid.) Treatment is usually administered with a diuretic to prevent fluid retention which may develop if Rauvolfia root is given alone. (WHO.) Contraindicated in depression, bleeding disorders, gastric and duodenal ulcers. (Sharon M. Herr.) Also contraindicated in pregnancy, since it has both teratogenic and abortifacient potential. (Francis Brinker.)

The root and root bark are rich in alkaloids, the most important being reserpine, others, around 30, which include ajmaline, ajmalicine (raubasine), ajmalicine, yohimbine, coryanthine, iso-ajmaline, neo-ajmaline, papaver- ine, raubasine, rauwolscine, rescin- namine, reserpine, sarpagine, serpentine, serpentinine, serpinine and de- serpidine.

Reserpine is hypotensive and tranquilizer, used for certain forms of mental disorders. Ajmalicine (raubasine) and rescinnamine are also hypoten- sive and tranquilizer. Deserpidine is sedative, as well as hypotensive. Aj- maline exhibits antiarrhythmic activity.

A number of Rauvolfia species are found in India: R. beddomei Hook. f.; R. densiflora Benth ex Hook. f. (Himalayas, Khasi and Aka Hills; Western and Eastern Ghats); R. micrantha Hook. f; known as Malabar Rauvolfia, (Kerala, up to an altitude of 300 m)

The roots of R. beddomei contain ajmalicine, sarpagine and serpentine, but no reserpine. R. densiflora yielded 0.51% of total alkaloids (reserpine 0.01%). R. micrantha gave ajmalicine, raunamine, reserpiline, sarpagine, neosarpagine, in addition to reserpine.

(In classical Ayurvedic texts, Nakuli and Gandha-naakuli were included in compound formulations for mental diseases.)... rauvolfia serpentina

Rauvolfia Tetraphylla


Synonym: R. canescens L.

Family: Apocynaceae.

Habitat: Abundant in moist and warm regions of West Bengal, particularly in 24 Parganas and Howrah, and Kerala (as a weed).

Folk: Badaa Chaand.

Action: Root—sedative, hypotensive. Plant juice, mixed with castor oil, is applied to skin diseases and to destroy parasites.

The plant contains a number of alkaloids, including rauvolscine, aj- malicine, canescine, reserpine, pseu- doyohimbine; yohimbine, corynan- thene, raunescine, iso-raunescine and recanescine.

The major alkaloid is rauwolscine (alpha-yohimbine), present in the root bark (0.1%), stem bark (0.2%) and leaves (0.5%).

The roots are often used as a substitute or adulterant of those of R. serpentina, though the reserpine content of the dried root was found to be comparatively low (0.03-0.05%).

Family: Linaceae.

Habitat: The Himalayas from Kashmir to Sikkim; commonly grown in gardens.

English: Winter-Flax, Yellow Flax.

Ayurvedic: Baasanti.

Folk: Abai (Maharashtra).

Action: Plant—used for the treatment of paralysis in Bihar. The crushed leaves and stems are applied to wounds infested with maggots.... rauvolfia tetraphylla


Rauvolfia serpentina


San: Sarpagandha

Hin: Chandrabhaga

Mal: Sarpagandhi, Amalpori

Tam: Chivan amelpodi

Kan: Sutranbhi

Tel: Patalagandhi

Introduction: Serpentwood is an erect, evergreen , perennial undershrub whose medicinal use has been known since 3000 years. Its dried root is the economical part which contains a number of alkaloids of which reserpine, rescinnamine, deserpidine, ajamalacine, ajmaline, neoajmalin, serpentine, -yohimbine are pharmacologically important. The root is a sedative and is used to control high blood pressure and certain forms of insanity. In Ayurveda it is also used for the treatment of insomnia, epilepsy, asthma, acute stomach ache and painful delivery. It is used in snake-bite, insect stings, and mental disorders. It is popular as “Madman’s medicine” among tribals. ‘Serpumsil’ tablet for high blood pressure is prepared from Rauvolfia roots. Reserpine is a potent hypotensive and tranquillizer but its prolonged usage stimulates prolactine release and causes breast cancer. The juice of the leaves is used as a remedy for the removal of opacities of the cornea.

Distribution: Rauvolfia serpentina is native to India. Several species of Rauvolfia are observed growing under varying edaphoclimatic conditions in the humid tropics of India, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Bangladesh, Indonesia , Cambodia, Philippines and Sri Lanka. In India, it is cultivated in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Kerala, Assam, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh (Dutta and Virmani, 1964). Thailand is the chief exporter of Rauvolfia alkaloids followed by Zaire, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Nepal. In India, it has become an endangered species and hence the Government has prohibited the exploitation of wild growing plants in forest and its export since 1969.

Botany: Plumier in 1703 assigned the name Rauvolfia to the genus in honour of a German physcian -Leonhart Rauvolf of Augsburg. The genus Rauvolfia of Apocynaceae family comprises over 170 species distributed in the tropical and subtropical parts of the world including 5 species native to India. The common species of the genus Rauvolfia and their habitat as reported by Trivedi (1995) are given below.

R. serpentina Benth. ex Kurz.(Indian serpentwood) - India ,Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, Malaya, Indonesia

R. vomitoria Afz. (African serpentwood) - West Africa, Zaire, Rwanda, Tanzania R. canescens Linn. syn. R. tetraphylla (American serpentwood) - America, India R. mombasina - East Africa , Kenya, Mozambique

R. beddomei - Western ghats and hilly tracts of Kerala

R. densiflora - Maymyo, India

R. microcarpa - Thandaung

R. verticillata syn. R. chinensis - Hemsl

R. peguana - Rangoon-Burma hills

R. caffra - Nigeria, Zaire, South Africa

R. riularis - Nmai valley

R. obscura - Nigeria, Zaire

R. serpentina is an erect perennial shrub generally 15-45 cm high, but growing upto 90cm under cultivation. Roots nearly verticle, tapering up to 15 cm thick at the crown and long giving a serpent-like appearance, occasionally branched or tortuous developing small fibrous roots. Roots greenish-yellow externally and pale yellow inside, extremely bitter in taste. Leaves born in whorls of 3-4 elliptic-lanceolate or obovate, pointed. Flowers numerous borne on terminal or axillary cymose inflorscence. Corolla tubular, 5-lobed, 1-3 cm long, whitish-pink in colour. Stamens 5, epipetalous. Carpels 2, connate, style filiform with large bifid stigma. Fruit is a drupe, obliquely ovoid and purplish black in colour at maturity with stone containing 1-2 ovoid wrinkled seeds. The plant is cross-pollinated, mainly due to the protogynous flowers (Sulochana ,1959).

Agrotechnology: Among the different species of Rauvolfia, R. serpentina is preferred for cultivation because of higher reserpine content in the root. Though it grows in tropical and subtropical areas which are free from frost, tropical humid climate is most ideal. Its common habitats receive an annual rain fall of 1500-3500 mm and the annual mean temperature is 10-38 C. It grows up to an elevation of 1300-1400m from msl. It can be grown in open as well as under partial shade conditions. It grows on a wide range of soils. Medium to deep well drained fertile soils and clay-loam to silt-loam soils rich in organic matter are suitable for its cultivation. It requires slightly acidic to neutral soils for good growth.

The plant can be propagated vegetatively by root cuttings, stem cuttings or root stumps and by seeds. Seed propagation is the best method for raising commercial plantation. Seed germination is very poor and variable from 10-74%. Seeds collected during September to November give good results. It is desirable to use fresh seeds and to sock in 10% sodium chloride solution. Those seeds which sink to the bottom should only be used. Seeds are treated with ceresan or captan before planting in nursery to avoid damping off. Seed rate is 5-6 kg/ha. Nursery beds are prepared in shade, well rotten FYM is applied at 1kg/m2 and seeds are dibbled 6-7cm apart in May-June and irrigated.

Two months old seedlings with 4-6 leaves are transplanted at 45-60 x 30 cm spacing in July -August in the main field. Alternatively, rooted cuttings of 2.5-5cm long roots or 12-20cm long woody stems can also be used for transplanting. Hormone (Seradix) treatment increases rooting. In the main field 10-15 t/ha of FYM is applied basally. Fertilisers are applied at 40:30:30kg N: P2O5 :K2O/ha every year. N is applied in 2-3 splits. Monthly irrigation increases the yield. The nursery and the main field should be kept weed free by frequent weeding and hoeing. In certain regions intercroping of soybean, brinjal, cabbage, okra or chilly is followed in Rauvolfia crop.

Pests like root grubs (Anomala polita), moth (Deilephila nerii), caterpillar (Glyophodes vertumnalis), black bugs and weevils are observed on the crop, but the crop damage is not serious. The common diseases reported are leaf spot (Cercospora rauvolfiae, Corynespora cassiicola), leaf blotch (Cercospora serpentina), leaf blight (Alternaria tenuis), anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), die back (Colletotrichum dematrium), powdery mildew (Leviellula taurica), wilt (Fusarium oxysporum), root-knot (Meloidogyne sp.), mosaic and bunchy top virus diseases. Field sanitation, pruning and burning of diseased parts and repeated spraying of 0.2% Dithane Z-78 or Dithane M-45 are recommended for controlling various fungal diseases. Rauvolfia is harvested after 2-3 years of growth. The optimum time of harvest is in November -December when the plants shed leaves, become dormant and the roots contain maximum alkaloid content. Harvesting is done by digging up the roots by deeply penetrating implements (Guniyal et al, 1988).

Postharvest technology: The roots are cleaned washed cut into 12-15cm pieces and dried to 8-10% moisture.

The dried roots are stored in polythene lined gunny bags in cool dry place to protect it from mould. The yield is 1.5-2.5 t/ha of dry roots. The root bark constitutes 40-45% of the total weight of root and contributes 90% of the total alkaloids yield.

Properties and activity: Rauvolfia root is bitter, acrid, laxative, anthelmintic, thermogenic, diuretic and sedative. Over 200 alkaloids have been isolated from the plant. Rauvolfia serpentina root contains 1.4-3% alkaloids. The alkaloids are classsified into 3 groups, viz, reserpine, ajmaline and serpentine groups. Reserpine group comprising reserpine, rescinnamine, deserpine etc act as hypotensive, sedative and tranquillising agent. Overdose may cause diarrhoea, bradycardia and drowsiness. Ajmaline, ajmalicine, ajmalinine, iso-ajmaline etc of the ajmaline group stimulate central nervous system, respiration and intestinal movement with slight hypotensive activity. Serpentine group comprising serpentine, sepentinine, alstonine etc is mostly antihypertensive. (Husain,1993; Trivedi, 1995; Iyengar, 1985).... serpentwood

Yohimbe Tea - A Natural Aphrodisiac

Yohimbe Tea has been used for centuries as a very powerful aphrodisiac, although this use was only exploited by the Africans. Later on, the scientists found out that the active constituents of this tea could very well be used to improve erectile function. Many pharmaceutical treatments contain a small dosage of Yohimbe Tea extract. Yohimbe is a small ever-green tree that grows mainly in places like Gabon, Cameroon and Zaire. Also known as pausinystalia yohimbe, this tree is a member of the Rubiaceae family that can be recognized by its lance-like leaves and brownish bark. Yohimbe Tea Properties Aside from its aphrodisiac properties, Yohimbe Tea contains a lot of chemical ingredients used to treat a variety of health problems. The active substances of this tea are yohimbine HCl (indole alkaloid), which can only be found in the bark and which is the responsible constituent for all the medical benefits of this tea. Other than this, Yohimbe Tea also contains pigments and tannis, but in a smaller dosage, almost impractical for the alternative medicine. Yohimbe Tea Benefits Drinking Yohimbe Tea has proven its benefits since ancient times, when African population used it as a medical cure and also as an important element when it came to religious ceremonies and rituals. It was believed that whoever drank a cup of Yohimbe Tea during one of these ceremonies, would have a great sexual life. Some say it only worked thanks to the willing power, other truly believed that this tea can perform miracles. Aside from these legends, scients found out that Yohimbe Tea is actually a good sexual enhancer and an erectile dysfunction treatment. How to make Yohimbe Tea Infusion Preparing Yohimbe Tea is very easy. Use a teaspoon of herbs for every cup of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait 30 minutes for the health benefits to be released. Strain and drink it hot or cold, adding honey or lemon, if you feel the taste is a bit unpleasant. You can either use dried or freshly picked leaves; the only thing you need to be careful about is where you buy them from. Make sure you only use herbs from a trusted provider. Yohimbe Tea Side Effects When taken properly, Yohimbe Tea is perfectly safe. However, high dosages may lead to a number of complications such as rapid heartbeat, kidney failure, seizure, heart attack and others. Make sure you talk to a doctor the first time you notice something unusual about your health when taking Yohimbe Tea! It’s better to be safe than sorry! Yohimbe Tea Contraindications Don’t take a treatment based on Yohimbe Tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or suffer from one of the following disorders: - Schizophrenia (this tea can enhance your psychotic episodes). - Prostate problems. - Post traumatic distress, liver failure, kidney failure, chest pain, anxiety, high or low blood pressur. But if there’s nothing that could interfere with this herb’s ingredients, try Yohimbe Tea and enjoy its wonderful benefits responsibly!... yohimbe tea - a natural aphrodisiac

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