The meaning of the symbols of bus seen in a dream.


A non-benzodiazepine drug used to treat anxiety. It is believed to act at speci?c serotonin receptors of NEURON(E) cells. The patient may take as long as two weeks to respond to treatment.... buspirone


A drug used almost exclusively to treat chronic myeloid LEUKAEMIA; it is given by mouth. Excessive suppression of myelocytes may lead to irreversible damage to BONE MARROW and therefore to the manufacture of blood cells, so frequent blood counts are necessary to check on the numbers of red and white cells.... busulfan


(Arabic) A good omen Bushrah... bushra

Fasciolopsis Buski

The intestinal fluke. Definitive hosts are pigs and humans. Metacercariae encyst on aquatic plants such as water chestnuts in south east Asia.... fasciolopsis buski

Bush Tea


BURSITIS. Tendinitis. Inflammation of a bursa – a soft-tissue elastic sac between bones that glide over one another, as in elbow and shoulder. Contains a little fluid, its purpose being to form a cushion against friction. In the knee-joint it is known as ‘housemaid’s knee’; over the hips as ‘weaver’s bottom’, joints becoming red, hot and painful.

Deposits of calcium may thicken walls and form a focus of pressure, causing pain. Relief comes when the swelling disperses or bursts. In the 60-70 age group rupture of tendons is a frequent cause. Bursitis accounts for two-thirds of shoulder pains. Neglected, it may progress to ‘frozen shoulder’ in later life. Teas. Celery seeds, Comfrey leaf, Nettles, Wintergreen.

Tablets/capsules. Prickly Ash, Lobelia, Wild Yam, Helonias.

Alternative formulae:– Powders. Turmeric 2; Prickly Ash 1; Cayenne quarter. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Liquid extracts. Equal parts: Black Cohosh, Devil’s Claw, Turmeric. Mix. Dose: 30-60 drops thrice daily.

Tinctures. White Willow bark 2; Prickly Ash bark 1; Wild Yam 1; Capsicum quarter. Mix. Dose: 2 teaspoons thrice daily.

Cider vinegar. 2-3 teaspoons to glass of water 2-3 times daily.

Topical. Apply strapping plaster to arrest swelling. See: FOMENTATIONS. POTATO. BRAN OR COMFREY ROOT POULTICE.

Aromatherapy. Cajeput, Chamomile, Origans, Rosemary. 6 drops of any one oil in 2 teaspoons Almond oil for massage.

Diet. See: DIET – GENERAL.

Supplements. Vitamin A. Vitamin C (3-4g). Vitamin E (400iu). Zinc 15mg.

General. Cold packs. Compression bandages. Gentle massage under the knee where knee joint is involved. For septic bursa add Echinacea to internal medication or apply ointment. For drainage, aspiration is sometimes necessary. Protect knees with knee-pads. Turmeric acquires reputation for relief. ... bush tea

Bust Developer

A small bust may be due to a number of causes – chiefly hormone deficiency involving the pituitary and adrenal glands. Treatment should include stimulants for these glands. Alternatives. Teas. Borage, Dill, Caraway seeds, Fennel, Goat’s Rue, Holy Thistle, Agnus Castus. Decoction. Fenugreek seeds. 2 teaspoons to each cup water gently simmered 10 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily. Fenugreek is a Persian remedy of antiquity for this purpose.

Tablets/capsules. Ginseng. Sarsaparilla. Evening Primrose. Agnus Castus, Liquorice.

Powders. Equal parts: Caraway seeds, Saw Palmetto berries. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) thrice daily.

Tinctures. Combine Dong Quai 1; Saw Palmetto 2. Dose: one 5ml teaspoon in water thrice daily.

Topical. Cream for use at bedtime: Lanolin 1oz; Cocoa butter half an ounce; Saw Palmetto berries Tincture or Liquid Extract 30 drops (or 10 grams powder); Oil Cajeput 30 drops. Heat in a pan and pour into jar.

Diet. See: DIET – THIN PEOPLE. Improve nutrition with potassium-rich foods. Two or more bananas daily.

Supplements. Vitamins B6, C, E. Zinc. ... bust developer

Busacca Nodule

a type of nodule seen on the anterior surface of the iris in granulomatous *uveitis. [A. Busacca (20th century), Italian physician]... busacca nodule


n. a *gonadorelin analogue used for the treatment of endometriosis, to help in the management of advanced prostate cancer, and in the treatment of infertility by in vitro fertilization. Possible side-effects include hot flushes, headache, emotional upset, and loss of libido.... buserelin

Nhs Business Services Authority

(NHSBSA) a *special health authority formed in 2006 to provide a range of back office and financial services to NHS organizations, contractors, and patients. These include administering the NHS pension scheme, issuing European Health Insurance Cards to UK residents, and issuing penalty charge notices to patients who falsely claim to be exempt from paying prescription charges. NHSBSA also hosts NHS Prescription Services, which provides pharmacies with reimbursement for items supplied under NHS prescriptions.

NHS Business Services Authority website... nhs business services authority

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